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Full Membership
At least 18 years old.
Complete or attending training in one of three training routes with-in one year of becoming a full member.
Attend one in every three business meetings. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month.
Run at least 10% of calls or 80 duty crew hours. We run approximatley 500+/- calls a year.
1 year probationary period.

*Associate and Full Membership require a background check.

Operational Associate Membership
At least 18 years old.
Assist the department in its operations
   -Running calls
   -Writing equipment grants
   -Apparatus maintenance
Issued equipment deemed appropriate for the task they will be performing.
Required to participate in 5% of calls or 40 hours of service in a calendar year. Hours of service can be obtained by running duty crews or other approved hours.
Receive assignments from the operational officers of the department.
1 year probationary period.

*Associate and Full Membership require a background check.

Administrative Associate Membership
At least 18 years old.
Assist the department in administrative functions.
   -Building maintenance
   -Work details
Issued equipment deemed appropriate for the task they will be performing.
Required to participate in a minimum of 20 approved hours of service in a calendar year.
Receive assignements from the administrative officers of the department.
1 year probationary period.

*Associate and Full Membership require a background check.

Junior Membership
Be between the ages of 16 and 18.
Have parental or legal guardian permission.
Attend one in every three business meetings. Held on the third Thursday of each month.
Must attend calls, meetings, fundraisers, training and work details as set forth by the department.

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